While Ameliorate is in Alpha, it's expected to change a lot; feel free to mention out-of-date docs, or ideas for improvement

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this project intended to have longevity?

This is a long-term project that is intended to last for as long as it’s useful/has potential. It’s currently being worked on full-time by its maintainer, which is planned to continue through 2025. After that, as long as the project continues to be seen as useful, the plan is to continue maintaining it; however, without additional funding, it will be maintained on the side/part-time.

How is this project being funded?

Ameliorate is currently being funded by its maintainer.

Are there plans to look for funding for the project?

Ideally there would be enough funding to help hire for the Roles to Fill, but minimally funding would enable at least the core maintainer to continue full-time on the project. If the tool continues to be seen as useful, the plan is to look for funding towards the end of 2025, but funding will not go any routes that impede accessibility or UX. Maybe offering private hosting, consulting, or workshops. Grants? Philanthropy?

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