While Ameliorate is in Alpha, it's expected to change a lot; feel free to mention out-of-date docs, or ideas for improvement


Welcome to the Ameliorate documentation!

Mission & Vision

Ameliorate’s mission is to empower humanity to effectively solve problems by making it trivial to understand the intricacies and perspectives involved.

Imagine a world where:

  • you never have to leave a conversation frustrated that you aren’t understood, or that you can’t understand someone else;
  • politicians and citizens of diverse perspectives can work together and be satisfied with decisions intended to better society;
  • anyone has the power to gain traction on an overwhelming problem.

Where should I go next?

The documentation is split into an App section, which describes the tool itself (e.g. how to use, features, comparisons to other tools, etc.), and a Project section, which houses anything auxiliary to the app (e.g. discourse sessions, release status, etc.).

Last updated on